Tuesday, 12 March 2013

March Event - Communicating & Engaging on Sustainability - Making It Happen

We were delighted to welcome Andrew Kinsey who spoke on the subject of practical sustainability.  He  drew on his experiences working on the Olympics and elsewhere. 
Andrew discussed how to effectively communicate sustainability messages to promote action and engage project teams. Putting theory into practice including how Andrew helped deliver some exemplar sustainability outcomes at the Athletes Village, for the Olympic Delivery Authority.
Andrew joined Mace in February 2012, and has responsibility for the sustainability in Mace’s UK construction operation and is working to ensure consistent delivery of sustainable outcomes on all of its projects, and position the company as a leader in sustainability.
Andrew fields susbstainability as a story to grab attention using 4 main facets: Policemen, Science, Money & Time - elements that everyone can relate to easily. To change behaviour the whole has to be addressed across all levels from the CEO down to the newest intern. The sue of metaphors works even though they may be seen as 'un-cool' which makes them 'cool'.  The linking of messages is important as waste for example has to be linked to H&S and money.

Inevitability there is the conundrum that sustainability creates savings - quite who pockets the savings or where they end up is another subject entirely.  Measuring/accounting for savings is of couse another subject.

Andrew concluded that the sustainability issue is one that is carrot and stick!
Another great session topped off  y the usual networking over a glass of wine or two!!